You search for a filmmaker, self shooter and cameraman in Düsseldorf who can shoot professional grade film and video content?

Nic is a broadcast engineer with over fifteen years of experience as a cameraman, editor and producer. He has gained working experience with a wide range of digital camera systems and is an advanced editor with Adobe Premiere, AfterEffects and Davinci Resolve. With his team at his agency called dsp media, he is also providing media services and equipment for live events, livestreaming media, broadcasting and offers a team of highly professional filmmakers, cameramen, editors, grafic designers, audio engineers and event specialists.

I offer you shooting your branded video content for social media, broadcast and TV use. On top of that, you can book a full production including editing, voice overs and musik bed to get a professional grade film to be directly released by your marketing team.

cameraman düsseldorf - my camera team and I are looking forward on meeting your for offering you a custom tailored video production that fits your need exactly and fast
